
Awaab's Law - Not soon enough

August 2024

In December 2020, Awaab Ishak tragically passed away shortly after his second birthday. The coroner concluded that this young boy's death was caused by a severe respiratory condition resulting from prolonged exposure to mould in his home, which had not been addressed or prevented. 

Since then, Awaab’s family, with the support of Shelter, has advocated for the introduction of 'Awaab’s Law'. 

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£2.4 million For structural repairs needed

August 2024

After submitting countless Freedom of Information requests, we have finally obtained a fragment of the Savills Whole Stock Condition Survey concerning the Tulse Hill Estate. 

But before we delve into what we’ve discovered, let’s rewind to Summer 2023. Our neighbour recently received coverage in the Guardian after his ceiling collapsed due to council neglect.

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Keep up to date with us on X

July 2024

We have finally joined X (formally Twitter)! As we’re all posting in our spare time, we’ll be sporadically sharing messages about the group members’ cases of disrepair, but hope to lighten things up with some memes and sunnier things. Do follow, like, share and all that

Lambeth Council confirms structural issues and risk to life hazards!

July 2024

Recent revelations have confirmed our worst fears: Lambeth knew about 92 severe, risk-to-life hazards across our estate a year ago and did not let residents know.  How did we uncover this alarming information? 

It all started when we formally requested access to the comprehensive Savills Stock Condition data the council holds, seeking a detailed breakdown of all identified housing safety hazards.

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Sluggish response from Lambeth's Cabinet Lead for Housing 

July 2024

In April, we submitted a petition signed by 168 of our neighbours, demanding decisive action on the widespread damp and mould issues in the Tulse Hill Estate. Our petition to Lambeth Council's cabinet member for Housing and Homelessness included the following requests: 

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Hot Off the Press! Coverage of our latest action

June 2024

Our work hasn’t gone unnoticed, with three outlets covering our campaign recently after our latest action at Lambeth town hall. As the media coverage keeps coming, the pressure will build on the council. But above all, it’s a massive testament to our neighbours who have turned up for each other and have never been more united.

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Check out our campaign video

June 2024

As part of our journey, our efforts have been documented by a member of our group who is a film-maker and journalist who has captured the essence of our movement and the people driving it in a short video, take a look!

Watch our video

We Protested the Town Hall to Demand Action

May 2024

Lambeth claims to have learned from its past “mistakes” with a new housing strategy, but what does it say when we have been forced to the streets to demand basic liveable homes? 

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168 Tulse Hill residents sign to end damp & mould

April 2024

Our focus is crystal clear: Safe and decent homes and a landlord who collaborates rather than assigns blame. Is Lambeth up for the challenge?

Like many in our group, hundreds of our neighbours have grappled with persistent damp and mould issues for years, problems we firmly believe stem, at least in part, from structural deficiencies within the estate.

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Meeting with Cabinet member ben kind

March 2024

Hoping to get the support of our elected officials, we decided to invite our local Brixton Rush ward councillors to a meeting this month, with Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Ben Kind coming along to hear our concerns. Tulse Hill Unites members shared stories of enduring struggles with repairs amidst Council neglect and unreliable contractors. 

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Petition to make our homes safe

February 2024

Since January, we've been knocking on doors across the Tulse Hill Estate to listen to our neighbours about their issues, find out how the group can support them, and get their name down on our petition to Lambeth Council. 

The issues that have come up on the doors have been notable for how much they share in common.

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Mass complaints campaign begins

December 2023

Tulse Hill Estate Unites has been focused on supporting residents directly impacted with damp and mould in their properties to submit complaints to the council. Members have been going door to door hearing stories of longstanding damp and mould that have left residents feeling powerless and ignored. 

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Success! Manuel's flat cleared of damp

November 2023

Since senior management from Lambeth turned out to the Tulse Hill Estate TRA meeting to defend their record, members of Tulse Hill Estate Unites have been seeing a sudden spike in attention from the Council. Several members that attended and showed their collective strength have since had major works done to their homes, most of them after waiting years.

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Council apologises to residents for their failings

October 2023

It's not often that Lambeth Council send senior management to a TRA meeting, but recently they turned up unannounced following the publication of an embarrassing expose by our group in The Guardian. Among those present were Lambeth Area Manager Tunde Akinyooye, surveyor Richard Rivers Simpson, as well as senior representatives from contractor Wates. 

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Greenleaf close campaign captures national attention

September 2023

After a summer of organising with our neighbours, we're already starting to grab headlines with our campaigns. The Guardian picked up our efforts to get the Council working on the roof of Greenleaf Close, as it had been leaking into the bedroom of one of our members for 7 months! 

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This is what community looks like

August 2023

Over the summer, residents of the Tulse Hill Estate have been gathering to demand respect, taking action on issues like damp, repairs, and the environment. We have been constantly told that our issues are isolated, that the damp in our flat is our fault. This isn't good enough. We are organising under the name Tulse Hill Estate Unites, and we deserve better.